Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cali and OBB

Last week I've started working at Oak Bay Bikes. It's been an adjustment, but the shop is amazing. The guys there are super helpful (and patient!) and Karl, the owner, is one of the best bosses out there. Really, I don't think I could say enough about the fabulousness of the Oak Bay crew. Come into the store for a visit! I should be around all week except Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I'm hoping by throwing myself into this environment, I'm forcing myself to learn the things I want to know, but rarely put the effort into understanding. I'm wanting to know more about the trade and bike industry as a whole, and this will be the best way to do it!

few weeks ago, I came back from a trip to California. The weather was beautiful, the people were entertaining, and though I didn't ride much, from what I did ride, it was incredible! Check out the pics:

We did some camping between the boy's race weekends. The scenery was unbelievable!

Stay fresh,


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